Under 18?

four young people smiling with blue sky in the background

The services we provide are mostly for adults (18 years and over) with mental health challenges. However, we do provide some specialist services for 16-25 year olds           

Allsorts Youth Project

The Allsorts Youth Project provide a non-judgemental and safe space for young people to connect, feel safe and be heard and valued.

Services provided include one-to-one emotional support and group support for young people (under 26 years) who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans or exploring their sexual orientation and/or gender identity (LGBT+) and their families.

Talk it Out (one-to-one emotional support) 

Everyone, at times, can find things a little challenging and difficult to manage. 

Talk it Out is an individual emotional support service for LGBTU young people (aged 16 – 25 years) wanting support with their emotional wellbeing.

In ‘Talk it Out’ Emotional Support Sessions, you can talk openly and freely with an experienced LGBT+ Youth Support Worker who will support you to explore your feelings and experiences in relation to your emotional wellbeing.

For some children and young people it can be difficult to sit and talk so different methods are used to support you to express how you feel.  For example, drawing, writing or using other techniques. Whatever works for you!

Youth support group

A weekly Youth Support Group is available for 16-25 year olds, which includes a monthly drop-in wellbeing session. 

The YMCA DownsLink Group

The YMCA Youth Advice Centre (part of the YMCA Downslink Group) offers advice, support and guidance to young people in Brighton and Hove. Youth Advice Centre (YAC) workers are able to offer expertise in a wide range of areas. Their aim is to provide young people in the local area with a safe and friendly environment where they can access helpful advice and support.

They are the first place to go for housing advice for anyone under 26 years old who is homeless or threatened with homelessness. In addition they offer a family support and mediation service and a support and advice service providing sexual health advice and services, emotional and wellbeing support and benefits and money advice.

YMCA YAC Talk it Over

Talk it Over is a Brighton & Hove based mediation project for 14–25-year-olds that provides a safe space to talk and to share how you are feeling with a trained mediator. Mediation supports families in crisis is successful in preventing youth homelessness


Online and in-person projects are co-created with e-wellbeing’s wonderful Youth Ambassadors - a group of creative 16–25-year-olds, passionate about improving the emotional health and wellbeing for all.

Cruse Bereavement 

Cruse Bereavement Care offer support, advice and information to children, young people and adults when someone dies.

Confidential one-to-one support

If one-to-one support is the best way of meeting your needs, a trained Bereavement Volunteer will visit you in your own home. Alternatively, if you prefer you can be seen privately at one of our offices or at a suitable alternative venue. 

Each session is by appointment and usually lasts 60 minutes. You see the same Bereavement Volunteer every week for up to six weeks but are under no obligation to continue and can stop at any time.

If you are under 16, your first meeting will take place with a parent or guardian present because parental consent is obligatory. After that, sessions can be on a one-to-one basis if you prefer.

Drop-in service

We offer a weekly drop-in service in Brighton where you can talk to someone privately as well as join a group facilitated by trained volunteers.

No appointment is necessary for the drop-in session, which is free and completely confidential. 

Some people find groups invaluable whilst others use them as a bridge while they are waiting for one-to-one support.

Hope Again website

A dedicated website, called Hope Again, is also available, where young people can learn from each other how to cope with grief and feel less alone.

Here you will find information about Cruse Bereavement Care’s services, a listening ear from other young people,  advice for any young person dealing with the loss of a loved one, families stories and parental/ guardian advice.  


Further Information

For more information please call 0808 196 1768 to speak to a member of our Central Access Point team. Alternatively, if you would prefer, you can arrange a callback.
