Time to Talk Day is the nation’s biggest mental health conversation. It’s a day for friends, families, communities and workplaces to come together to talk, listen and change lives. Time to Talk Day is taking place 6 February 2025
Explore the Official site for more resources, activities and tips on Time to Talk day here

UOK Social Media pack
These are a series of Social media assets which can be shared as posts for LinkedIn/ Facebook and Instagram from the beginning of the week i.e. 3rd February onwards. Please share them widely, in any order that you would like.
Introductory/ Time to Talk day launch posts. Click here to download images.
This is a Carousel post about ideas on where a conversation can be had. Click here to download images.
This is a Carousel post for Time to Talk talking tips for when you start a conversation with your friends, family or even strangers. Click here to download images.
Jubilee Library Pop-up

This 6th of February, on Time to Talk Day, you will find UOK at the Jubilee Library foyer with some fun prompts for conversation, a space for learning about mental health support available and to simply listen!
We will be at the Library for 10am all the way into the afternoon so do pop by for a chat- we would love to see you there.
It’s Time to Talk!
Address: Jubilee Library, Jubilee St, Brighton and Hove, Brighton BN1 1GE
UOK B&H Partner’s and Support worker’s event
Life is busy but our afternoons don’t always have to be. UOK is hosting 2 events to celebrate Time to talk day. We want to celebrate by creating space for us to talk, play games and eat together- for our wonderful partners and frontline workers. The event is inspired by Time to Talk Day, and we thought we’d do it the week after as you may already have your own plans on the 6th of February.
On the 11th of Feb : a UOK partner meet up at Puzzle Bored on New Road in central Brighton. On the 12th of Feb : same event, but this will be for frontline workers only.
Lunch and refreshments are provided. Bring your high spirits and open hearts. Your worries and fears are also welcome. Let’s talk it out!
Please write to manasi.barmecha@southdown.org to confirm your attendance