About the service and what to expect Together Co is a loneliness charity that creates connections to change lives. Services provided include befriending, social prescribing and volunteering in Brighton, Hove and beyond. Befriending Everybody should have somebody. Together Co’s befriending service matches people with people to create friendships that make life better. They’ve been doing so
Brighton & Hove Recovery College is provided by Southdown a Sussex-based housing, care and support provider committed to preventing homelessness and supporting people’s health, wellbeing and independence. Provided in partnership with the Sussex Partnership NHS Foundation Trust, Southdown’s Recovery College in Brighton and Hove offer educational courses as a route to recovery from mental health challenges.
Robin Hood Health is a charity that offers support for people’s health and wellbeing through one to one and group sessions. They provide a special program for Asylum Seekers & Refugees in partnership with Brighton Exile/Refugee Trauma Service and the Trust for Developing Communities called Integrated Migrant Pathways.
The YMCA Youth Advice Centre (part of the YMCA Downslink Group) offers advice, support and guidance to young people in Brighton and Hove. Youth Advice Centre (YAC) workers are able to offer expertise in a wide range of areas. Their aim is to provide young people in the local area with a safe and friendly environment where they can access helpful advice and support.
Staying Well is an out-of-hours walk-in service for people aged 18 or over experiencing mental distress or requiring crisis support.
The Lighthouse is a Tier 3 specialist service run in partnership by Southdown, Sussex Partnership Foundation Trust (SPFT), and Mind in Brighton & Hove that provides intensive therapy to people who fall within a broad definition of personality disorder/complex emotional and relational needs.
Rethink Mental Illness is a national charity who work to improve the lives of people severely affected by mental illness.
The MENDOS service supports those who are within in the criminal justice system and whose offending is connected to mental health. The service offers emotional and practical support to help people reduce their offending and improve their mental health.
Community Development Workers support local residents to come together, develop the skills knowledge and experience necessary to take collective action, and make positive change in response to issues identified by the community.
The Trust for Developing Communities (TDC) works with people and groups from culturally and ethnically diverse communities. They provide support for community groups to flourish, which in turn supports the wellbeing of their members. They also support individual people by connecting them with other services.
Friends, Families and Travellers (FFT) is a leading national charity working to end racism and discrimination against Gypsy, Roma and Traveller people regardless of ethnicity or background, and to protect the right to pursue a nomadic way of life. Issues ranging from discrimination to chronic exclusion from health services can often lead to mental health difficulties or ‘bad nerves’.